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Disable Copy Paste In Blogger To Protect Blog Posts Easy Method 2020 |
Disable Copy Paste In Blogger To Protect Blog Posts Easy Method 2020
Also, Check This Video:
How to disable text selection in blogger?
How to protect your blog content from copying?
In my first blog post, I told you why you should start blogging. But as time passes you will get to know that there are so many wicked people around here who will steal content from your blogs by copy-pasting.
To prevent them all you have to do is apply the HTML/Javascript of disabling text selection in your blog.
I know you are not an expert like me. But I have found this script which will disable copy option on your blog. Remember this it will not disable right-click.
Here are the steps to remove copy paste option on your website:
Step 1: Go Layout Tab in the Left side of Blogger menu.
Step 2: Click on Add a Gadget. (You can choose anywhere on sidebar or lowerbar or footer as this won't appear.)
Step 3: Now choose widget name HTML/Javascript.
The blank space for entering script will show in window. Paste the below mentioned script.
<!- start disable copy paste --><script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) {document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" );document.onmouseup=new Function ("return false"); } </script><!-- End disable copy paste --></!->
TIP: I have also applied this script and currently it is ON. so you cant copy this script from here. so I have provided a link from where you can copy this script. There are not any side effects [Your blogs SEO will not be affected].
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